Check What Your Family Is Browsing on Their Adroids

Talking about your family should be one of the easiest things to practice in English.

These people are your family, so you should know them very well. Talking about your family unit for over five minutes should exist no problem for you.

But many students stumble over this topic and just don't know what to say.

In this guide, I have mapped out several things you tin can talk about — from describing who they are and what they look similar to the activities you like to practice together to future plans and stories.

Only follow all the steps beneath and you volition observe that you can talk about your family for several minutes.

The Basics

How many people in your family? And who are they?

When yous first start introducing your family, y'all merely demand to say some basic simple things about them.

How many people in your family?

How many people are there in your family? And who are these people?

The listener needs to get an overall general picture of who your family unit is earlier you get into any details.

Permit'due south say you come from a family of four peoplemum, dad, older sister and you. You could say:

At that place are four people in my family unit — me, my mum and dad, and my older sister.

Now we have a very clear general picture of your family and who they are.

Other variations of a basic introduction of your family unit could be:

I come from a small family unit — there are merely three of us. Me, my female parent and father.

My family is very big. There are 7 of united states. Me, my mum and dad, my iii brothers and our little sister.

Sometimes people might say nuclear family to describe the size of their family. This is used to describe a family of iv people — two parents and two children.

I come from a nuclear family — my mum and dad, me and my big brother.

Nuclear Family — while we used this term in the by, today information technology is a petty antiquated. But you can all the same use information technology.

Some families may just have one parent. How to talk about this?

In my family, information technology'southward just me and my mum. I don't have any brothers or sisters.

There's just me and my dad in my family. No brothers, no sisters.

And some families have two dads or two mums.

In my family unit, there are three people — me and my two dads.

One term I have heard used in IELTS tests is 'family unit members'. For case;

I take four family members.

Please do not use this phrase!

It sounds very strange in English language.

Your family unit are the people closest and dearest to you — they are non members.

We only take members of a club or a society.

Where Practice All Your Family unit Live?

To create a bigger picture in your introduction, you should talk virtually where your family alive.

Which city? In a house? In an apartment?

Where do you and your family live?

Allow'south await at some options.

Nosotros all alive in a small city in Thailand. We alive in a house — it'due south a modest business firm but big enough for all the four of us.

I live with my family in Beijing. We alive in an apartment. There are only 3 of us, so in that location is plenty of room for us.

Other than the urban center and land where you alive, and the type of home you alive in, you don't need to say much more than this.

But maybe one person in your family does not live with y'all. How to talk nigh this?

Nosotros all alive in a firm in the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur. But my sister doesn't alive with the states. She is at college in Canada, so she lives there. I recollect she lives in a student dormitory, but I'm not certain.

Me and my family live in an apartment in Tokyo. My older brother is married though and has his own family unit now. They live in their ain flat — it's not too far from united states of america.

Who Are All The People In Your Family?

This is where y'all provide a niggling detail about each person in your family unit. You tin can say their proper noun and what they do — task or student.

At this stage, that is all yous demand to talk nigh.

Who are they people in your family?

Let'due south have a look at some things to say:

Well, in that location's my dad — he works for a structure company. I recollect he's a manager of some kind. And my mum — she does some work at home, writing articles.

And my sis, Chloe, she's at academy — she's studying marketing in Australia.

And then me. I'm withal at school.

And so, my dad — he'south a teacher — he teaches estimator stuff there. And my mum works in a kindergarten. My older blood brother, Sam, is working — but I tin can't recollect what he does. My younger brother, Luke, is in middle school, and I am in loftier school.

Ordinarily, when we are talking about our parents in English, nosotros don't give their names. We know their names, but nosotros don't use them — and we don't tell other people their names unless they ask.

Merely we do tell other people the names of our brothers and sisters.

What Do They Look Like? What Kind Of People Are They?

Equally y'all are describing all your family, you merely need to give a brief description of each person.

In terms of a brief clarification, you can just talk nigh their elevation, their body shape, and some other general features similar hair color and distinguishing features. If yous were talking almost each person for any length of fourth dimension, then you could go into more particular — merely for the sake of your family unit, simply keep things simple.

Tin you lot draw the people in your family?

The same applies to their personality — no need to give too much detail. A general overview is enough.

Permit'southward await at some ideas…

My dad is pretty tall and sparse. His pilus is dark brown, only he is losing it at present, so he has very lilliputian hair. He'southward kind of tranquility most of the fourth dimension.

My mum is short — actually much shorter than my dad — and she has a lot of energy. She is always agile and doing things. She's funny as well — she has a great sense of humor.

Then there'due south my big sister — she's cute and has long hair and dark-green eyes. But she is always angry these days — and not just with me, with everyone. We just stay out of her way.

My dad is a little chip fat, and he wears glasses. He is pretty strict with me and my brother, especially about studying. If he catches united states of america playing computer games when nosotros should be doing our homework, he volition lose his temper.

My mum is more easy-going. She thinks studying is of import, but she lets u.s.a. do things we like to do too. She used to take black hair, but it's gone a piffling grey in the last few years. She is always singing around the house.

My dad always seems busy — he works a lot. He is about the same height every bit me, but he is fatty. He doesn't have time for sport. My mum is slim though — she goes running every morning, and she only eats good for you food. Unlike my dad.

My niggling sister is very beautiful. She is always playing tricks on me and likes to joke around. She has long black hair and a cheeky smile.

In this function, all you lot demand to practice is give a brief description of what they expect like and an idea about their personality.

Check my article on describing people – How to Describe Someone's Physical Advent in English.

What Do Y'all Like To To Together?

Most families enjoy doing some activities together. Even if information technology is merely the simple act of eating together — there are some things that families ever practice together.

What do y'all practice with your family?

Are there some things you only practice with certain people in your family?

What exercise yous and your family similar to do together?

These are some ideas for you to look at:

My mum always insists that the family sits together and has Sunday luncheon together. It is very important to her. We have a big lunch and information technology is a good time to talk together and share things about our lives.

We always keep vacation every yr together. My dad loves to plan this big holiday — he makes me and my sis join him at the dinner table and we go over travel destinations.

Then virtually ane calendar week earlier we go, we start preparing what to take. Information technology's e'er a really dandy time, and I look forward to it every year.

Me, my brother and my dad like to become angling together. To be honest, my dad really enjoys fishing — me and my brother just like to go and expect around by the river and the boats.

Think nigh the things you like to practise with your family — or some of your family — and and so talk nigh that.

Maybe yous have an interesting story to tell from when you did something with your family unit.

Who Are Your Extended Family?

Your extended family are people exterior of your immediate family. Usually, we hateful people like grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.

Who are your extended family?

You can innovate these people in the post-obit ways:

I simply have my grandfather on my mum'southward side and my grandmother on my dad's side who is still around. The others have passed abroad.

On my dad'southward/mum's side — this ways the relatives that come from your father's family unit or female parent's family.

Still around — this is a polite and more sensitive way to say withal live. In English, we prefer to use very sensitive words and expressions when talking almost death.

Passed abroad — this is a more acceptable fashion of saying they have died.

Be careful when talking most the subject of decease in English.

People often talk near how many cousins they have.

I have a lot of cousins — I recall around thirty or more than. If we accept a large family unit get together, the house is very crowded.

I have three cousins. One of them I see all the time, nosotros are similar sisters. But the others live far away, and so I don't see them very often.

And we might talk most aunts or uncles that we accept.

When I was very young, I went to see a football game with my uncle and cousins. My uncle is a lifelong fan of Armory football game club.

Ane of my aunts likes to read the same kind of books I like. And so I like to talk to her about books she has read to get some ideas of other things to read.


In English, we can often say i word to refer to many of our relatives.

These words include:

  • Gramps
  • Grandmother
  • Aunt
  • Uncle
  • Cousin
  • Niece
  • Nephew

I know that in many other languages — especially Asian languages — there are different words for each person in the family.

This is not the same in English.

What Practise You Like Near Your Family?

And what do you not like?

They are our family — of grade, there are many things nosotros like about them. And there are many things we don't like about them too.

What practise you like well-nigh your family? And what exercise yous dislike about them?

You lot tin talk nigh these when introducing your family unit.

My dad has got a actually neat sense of humour — he says really funny things at times. But he has this annoying habit of whistling around the house. It drives all of united states of america insane, just he cannot stop doing it.

My sis is really good at maths. If I always have problem with my maths homework, I know I can rely on my sister to help me. She thinks maths is easy. Only one matter that drives me mad about her is her music. She plays loud stone music from her room. Information technology sounds terrible!

If you lot say one or 2 things you lot similar well-nigh someone from your family unit followed by ane matter you dislike about the aforementioned person, it volition brand your English sound more rounded and fluent.

Hereafter Plans For Your Family unit

None of the states can tell what the future will bring.

Only effort to imagine what the futurity could be for your family unit. Peradventure there are already some plans in shop — your sis planning to go abroad to study or your older brother getting married.

You could also talk about your family unit's hopes and dreams.

My sis is going to Commonwealth of australia side by side year. She will start college and study there. She is very excited about it.

My blood brother is planning his wedding correct now. He will marry his girlfriend in a big ceremony. All of my cousins, aunts and uncles will be there. My dad is really worried most how much information technology will cost!

My mum hopes I will practice well in my high schoolhouse tests. So she wants me to get to university. She said she wants me to be a dr. — simply I would like to be a author.

Tell Stories About Your Family

One of the all-time things you can practise when talking about your family is to tell a story nearly them.

This can actually help to describe your family in a not bad way.

Tell a story about your family

All you lot have to do is tell the story in the correct chronological guild and endeavor to make it sound interesting.

When me and my blood brother were little kids, dad used to take united states of america to the wood nearly where nosotros lived. In that location was a boating pond there, and we used to run around exploring things and looking for frogspawn.

Equally we ran around, my dad used to bury coins in the banking company of the pond. And when me and my brother got back from running around, he would tell united states that pirates buried their treasure beside the swimming.

This would be impossible! But nosotros never thought about this…

So we dug the banks of the pond looking for treasure and we institute the coins my dad buried there.

We idea we had found gold and silver!

The story can be funny, sad, heady. It can exist nearly a unsafe incident or something that made you feel very happy.

Think about a story well-nigh your family — you should accept many stories to tell.


I hope I have given yous some things to think about when introducing your family.

You should find there are many things to talk well-nigh — they are your family after all.

Just go through each department in a higher place and try to think of ways to talk about your family using the aforementioned exercise. If you lot follow all the in a higher place patterns clearly, you could probably talk about your family for over ten minutes!

And please — permit me know in the comments beneath!


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