Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies Cheats Ps4


General Tips

  • In the Data Vault, highlight the "S" logo that would typically allow you to access Dead Ops Arcade 2. Press and hold all four shoulder buttons on your controller. As you continue to hold those buttons, press X+Y on your controller (or the equivalent) and you'll bring up a secret menu, where you can enter cheat codes. Enter one of the codes below for the corresponding effect.

    MANIFEST - Receive up to 100 Fabrication Kits

    DREAMLAND - Access Nightmare Mode without first clearing the campaign

  • Easy Shortcut to Round 15 - Once you spawn in Shadows of Evil, look up to the Shadow Man and start shooting him. Continue to do so without giving it a break and you'll eventually survive the round, then advance to Round 5 with 1000 points. You can buy the RK5, then continue shooting the Shadow Man to quickly advance to Round 10 while obtaining another 4000 points. Keep shooting him from there, and soon you'll advance to Round 15 and gain 11,000 points. At that point, the Shadow Man will disappear. You essentially have skipped directly to Round 15 and have 16,000 points to show for it.
  • Nightmare Mode - Complete the campaign to unlock Nightmare Mode, which allows you to play through the campaign from a different, zombie-fueled perspective.
  • Unlock Dead Ops Arcade 2 - Complete the campaign's first three missions to unlock the Safehouse. From there, you can find your Data Vault. Within the vault, flick up on the left analog stick and press the button that typically jumps when you're out in the wild. You'll unlock Dead Ops Arcade 2.


Beat CoP - In Shadows of Evil, summon the Civil Protector in every district in a single game. - Gold

Bloodthirsty - In Multiplayer, earn 10 Bloodthirsty medals (5 kills without dying). - Gold

Crackshot - In Shadows of Evil, kill a zombie from over 50m away. - Silver

Deadly Specialist - In Multiplayer, get 10 Specialist-based multi-kill Medals from any of the Specialist Weapons. - Silver

From the Shadows - In Shadows of Evil, spot the Shadowman fives times in one game. - Bronze

Highly Adaptable - In Multiplayer, complete all Game Mode Challenges. - Gold

I Did It! - In Multiplayer, reach Commander (Level 55). - Silver

I'm Special - In Multiplayer, complete all Specialist Challenges. - Gold

Margwa Party - In Shadows of Evil, kill 2 Margwas in a single round. - Silver

Meat for the Grinder - In Multiplayer, complete all Boot Camp Challenges. - Silver

No Mercy - In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 crawling zombies in under 3 seconds. - Silver

Not out of GobbleGum! - In Shadows of Evil, purchase and chew every type of GobbleGum in your Pack. - Silver

Packing Early (secret) - In Shadows of Evil, complete the Pack-A-Punch ritual during wave 1. - Gold

Parasite-Seeing - In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 Parasites while riding on the train. - Bronze

Platinum - Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked. - Platinum

Seen Some Things - In Multiplayer, complete all Career Challenges. - Gold

Sorry, we're DEAD - In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies that are inside of a store in one game. - Bronze

Strike! - In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at least 10 zombies in one burst. - Silver

Tactical Specialist - In Multiplayer, get 10 Medals based on Specialist Abilities. - Bronze

The Beginning of the End - In Shadows of Evil, complete all Rituals. - Gold

The Spider and the Fly - In Shadows of Evil, kill 10 zombies ensnared by a Widow's Wine grenade. - Silver

Wallcrawler - In Multiplayer, kill an enemy while wallrunning 10 times. - Silver

Welcome to the Club - In Multiplayer, reach Sergeant (Level 10) by playing in a Public Match. - Bronze

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Zombies Cheats Ps4


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